Coleen Obina

*Results may vary per individual.

Back then, I never thought I was fat when looking into the mirror. I honestly felt okay with my weight. It was only after attending a wedding and seeing the photos did I realize that I was big and fat!

 I went to the doctor to have my blood and system checked and found out that I had Polycystic Ovaries (PCOS), hyperacidity (GERD), close to contracting diabetes and fatty liver. I started to worry about what would happen if I were to conceive. Would my baby be diabetic? Would I have diabetes? I felt that getting sick was too expensive and I realized at that moment that I needed to take action. If exercise or sports were impossible, I needed to change my diet instead. So I did some research online and chanced upon the Cohen’s Lifestyle Program.
 I was hesitant at first, so I searched online to read up on the reviews. I also discussed this with my gynecologist, Dr. Shierly del Rosario, and she agreed that I needed a lifestyle change. When I told her that I was planning to join the Cohen’s Lifestyle Program, she happily approved as she underwent the program herself.

At first, it was difficult to adapt to the lifestyle. During my first month, I really did not know how to cook. My meals were either burnt or bland and I became irritated and impatient. But as time went by, I learnt how to cook by enrolling myself on to the Cohen’s Cooking Classes and my irritability and impatience subsided.

After seven months on the program, I am now extremely happy with the results! I was able to achieve 112.4 lbs which was within my goal weight. I am happy that I can now fit into Small, XS and surprisingly, XXS. I also went to the doctor after the program to have a thorough checkup. My gynecologist cleared me of my PCOS, declared that I had no hyper acidity for the past seven months, no gallstones, no more fatty liver, and a normal level of blood sugar.

What’s also good about the program is that I get to influence my family and relatives to practice a healthy lifestyle.
For people who are struggling to lose weight, my advice would be to join the Cohen’s Lifestyle Program!

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